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How To Remove Blood From Carpet





To clean blood from synthetic carpet, follow the procedures listed below.  Begin with step one, progressing only to the next step if necessary.  Remember that you always want to use the gentlest approach to cleaning a carpet stain first.


(Begin with step 1, if the stain remains then proceed to the next step. Always test the following stain removal solutions in an inconspicuous area first to make sure they won't damage your carpet.)

Synthetic Carpet

1.  Soak the area liberally with cold water.  Blot dry with paper towels.  Re-soak and re-dry area until the blood has been removed from the carpet.

2.  Use a detergent solution.  Mix one teaspoon of clear dish washing liquid with one cup of warm water.  Make sure the water is not hot.


Blood is one of the more unpleasant stains to remove from carpet.  Being highly accident prone I've dealt with this stain more often than I'd like to admit.

While unpleasant, this is one of the easier stains to remove as long as you get to it quickly.  Hopefully this is one carpet stain you'll rarely, if ever need to deal with.  As with all stains, the longer it's allowed to set the more difficult it is to clean the carpet stain up.