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How To Remove Maple Syrup From Carpet





To clean maple syrup from synthetic carpet, follow the procedures listed below.  Begin with step one, progressing only to the next step if necessary.  Remember that you always want to use the gentlest approach to cleaning a carpet stain first.


(Begin with step 1, if the stain remains then proceed to the next step. Always test the following stain removal solutions in an inconspicuous area first to make sure they won't damage your carpet.)

Synthetic Carpet

1.  Use a detergent solution by mixing one teaspoon of clear dish washing liquid with one cup of warm water. Make sure the water is not hot.

2.  Create an ammonia solution by mixing one tablespoon of clear household ammonia (3% solution) with 1/2 cup water. (WARNING: Never mix ammonia with chlorine bleach as it will create extremely hazardous fumes!)


You've just finished breakfast and thanks to a certain oaf in the family, you now have an artistic pattern of half eaten pancakes and maple syrup strewn across the floor. After picking up this lovely mess, please mix together the solution listed in step one.

Gently dab the solution onto the maple syrup stain using a clean cloth or sponge. Blot the solution up using paper towers. Repeat until you're happy with the results. It's important that you gently blot the stain, not rub it. Rubbing stains will simply damage the carpet and possibly spread the stain.

If your carpet is still sticky from the syrup, mix together the ammonia solution listed in step two. Apply it in the same manner you did the detergent solution. Gently dab it on, then blot if off with paper towers. Continue until you've removed all of the maple syrup from your carpet. Rinse with plain water when finished and blot the water up with clean paper towels.

This might be a good time to call a professional carpet cleaner. You should have your carpet professionally cleaned at least once a year. Allowing dirt and grime to build up at the base of your carpet's fibers actually breaks down the carpet over time. Maple syrup can sink down to the backing mixing in with dirt and debris, further gumming up the fibers. Having your carpet cleaned will not only extend its lifespan, it will restore its natural beauty.