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How To Choose A Carpet Color





Carpet Colors


Carpet color selection causes more arguments than any other part of the process when a husband and wife go shopping for carpet.  In my experience the wife usually wins.  When it comes to selecting color I've heard it all "The carpet should be darker than the walls," "The carpet should be darker than the furniture," and so on and so forth.  There really are no set rules when it comes to carpet color selection.

It's really quite simple.  Choose several colors that you think you might like.  Borrow samples of those colors or have samples shipped to you (most carpet stores will do this for free).  Then lay the samples down in various rooms and look at them under different lighting conditions.  Obviously the colors will look different based upon the lighting and wall color so be sure to borrow several samples.  Keep in mind when selecting a color that the final product could vary slightly due to differences in dye lots.  This difference tends to be less dramatic with the higher end carpet mills like Fabrica for instance. 

In some cases when laid out across a large expanse, carpet may appear to lighten slightly anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 of a color shade (possibly more).  This change will vary based upon your natural lighting, the direction of the nap of the carpet, as well as the material and style.  In some cases it may appear to actually darken subtly.  Just remember that the shade may change a bit when installed.


Carpet Color Palette


You can put different colors in different rooms but again, keep in mind that the seams will be visible where the color changes occur.  Many people forget this and are surprised at the contrast that can be seen when moving from one room to another.  This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it is something to keep in mind.  You definitely wouldn't want a rapid succession of several color changes in a row.

The majority of people choose a neutral tone that fits in with the overall color scheme of their home.  Try not to agonize too much over carpet color selection.  It's not worth getting a divorce over carpet color as we've seen some pretty heated arguments occur.  Just choose a color that you can live with and you'll be happy.  Choosing a carpet color should be an enjoyable experience.


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