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How To Remove Tomato Sauce From Carpet





To clean tomato sauce from synthetic carpet, follow the procedures listed below.  Begin with step one, progressing only to the next step if necessary.  Remember that you always want to use the gentlest approach to cleaning a carpet stain first.


(Begin with step 1, if the stain remains then proceed to the next step. Always test the following stain removal solutions in an inconspicuous area first to make sure they won't damage your carpet.)

Synthetic Carpet

1. Use a detergent solution by mixing one teaspoon of clear dish washing liquid with one cup of cool water.

2. Create an ammonia solution by mixing one tablespoon of clear household ammonia (3% solution) with 1/2 cup cool water. (WARNING: Never mix ammonia with chlorine bleach as it will create extremely hazardous fumes!)


Tomato sauce can set into a stain very quickly so it's important to act quickly. First scoop up as much of the sauce as possible using a wide spoon. Use paper towels to blot up more of the spill. Allow the towels to soak up the sauce by gently patting them. Don't rub the stain as this will just stress the fibers in your carpet and potentially spread the stain.

Now mix together the detergent solution in step one using cool water, not warm. Using a clean cloth, gently blot the solution onto the stain. Use paper towels to blot the mixture off. Repeat until the stain is gone. Thoroughly rinse the area with plain water.

If some of the tomato sauce still remains in your carpet, then mix together the ammonia solution listed in step two. Use only clear ammonia and be careful to never mix it with any bleach product. The resulting fumes are extremely hazardous.

Using a clean sponge, blot the ammonia solution onto the stain. Blot it off with paper towels. Resist the temptation to rub at the stain as this will only make it worse. Rubbing at a stain can also damage the carpet's fibers causing them to untwist and fuzz up.

When you've removed as much of the tomato sauce as possible, rinse the area with cold water. Blot dry with paper towels.