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How To Remove Curry From Carpet





To clean curry from synthetic carpet, follow the procedures listed below.  Begin with step one, progressing only to the next step if necessary.  Remember that you always want to use the gentlest approach to cleaning a carpet stain first.


(Begin with step 1, if the stain remains then proceed to the next step. Always test the following stain removal solutions in an inconspicuous area first to make sure they won't damage your carpet.)

Synthetic Carpet

1. Use a detergent solution by mixing one teaspoon of clear dish washing liquid with one cup of warm water. Make sure the water is not hot.

2. Using two cups of warm water (not hot), mix in one tablespoon of clear household ammonia and one teaspoon of a clear dish washing detergent (Make sure there is NO bleach in it). (WARNING: Never mix ammonia with chlorine bleach as it will create extremely hazardous fumes!)


While curry is delicious, it contains dyes that can permanently attach themselves to your carpets fibers. To avoid permanently staining your carpet you need to act quickly. Use a spoon or other such item to scoop up as much of the spill as possible. Use paper towels to gently blot up any remaining liquid. Don't rub at the stain as you'll just make it worse. Blot at it gently in order to sop up the spill.

Now mix together the detergent solution listed in step one. Use a clean cloth or sponge to blot the solution onto the stain. Blot it on with a sponge, then blot it off with a clean cloth or paper towel. It will take repeated applications but the curry stain should start to come up. When finished, rinse the area with plain water and blot dry with paper towels. If unable to remove all of the curry stain using this method, then move on to step two.

Mix together the ammonia solution listed in step two. When selecting a dish washing liquid to mix with the ammonia, be absolutely certain that it has NO bleach in the product. Read the back of the label to make sure. Mixing bleach and ammonia together can create life threatening fumes.

Apply the ammonia solution to the carpet in the same manner you applied the last step. Blot it on then blot it off. Never rub at a stain as this can damage your carpet. Hopefully you've been able to successfully remove the curry from your carpet. Now rinse the area with plain water and dry with paper towels.